Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Senator Turns Out To Be Just Another RINO

My senator representing my district of Wisconsin voted to appoint Loretta Lynch. I sent an email stating in so many words that it was wrong to give in and that true reformation of the federal government cannot ever become reality if the Constitution is compromised.

Here is his response:
Dear Mr. Lehman,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the confirmation of Loretta Lynch for U.S. attorney general.  Although I share the concerns many of my colleagues have expressed over portions of Ms. Lynch's testimony during confirmation hearings, I believe presidents deserve the leeway to select the advisers they want in their cabinet. Ms. Lynch has extensive experience and, by the evidence, has performed capably and professionally.  I disagree with President Obama's executive amnesty, and I disagree with Ms. Lynch's support of it. But the reality is that President Obama will never nominate an attorney general who would oppose his immigration action. It is hard to imagine a worse attorney general than her predecessor. My hope is that Ms. Lynch is an improvement over Mr. Holder.  Thank you again for contacting my office. It is very helpful to hear the views of the constituents I serve. To date, my office has received more than 1,600,000 letters, emails and phone calls. My mission is to provide information to as many people as possible concerning the enormous financial and cultural challenges facing America.  Please see my website at for additional information. It is an honor representing you and all the people of Wisconsin. 
Ron Johnson
United States Senator
I give Senator Johnson the benefit for his reasoning and realism of the matter at hand:
But the reality is that President Obama will never nominate an attorney general who would oppose his immigration action. It is hard to imagine a worse attorney general than her predecessor. My hope is that Ms. Lynch is an improvement over Mr. Holder. 
The Republicans have an opportunity as the majority in Congress. Many Americans have doubts of any headway in true reformation based on the failures in the past when they were the congressional majority. It is especially important now because of the snowball progressive movements and BH Obama getting away with so much scandal and unconstitutional acts for fear of being accused of racism or being "Islamophobic". Based upon Senator Johnson's reasoning, if Obama had undergone impeachment proceedings (plenty of ammo to feed that) - we would not be worrying about Lynch or have put up with Holder's actions and racebaiting that he and Obama are noted for.
I understand the principles of compromise when it comes to legislation in Congress; however, the Constitution and its amendments should NEVER be compromised, ever.

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