by Daily Mail Reporter
March 1, 2011
Terrorists and other 'financial enemies' were likely responsible for the near collapse of the U.S. financial system in 2008, a new Pentagon report has concluded.
The 2009 report, Economic Warfare: Risks and Responses, said financial terrorism by Jihadists or countries such as China may have cost the global economy $50 trillion in a series of co-ordinated strikes against the U.S. economy.
In an astonishing conclusion, the report claims two unidentified traders deliberately devalued trillions of dollars' worth of stocks at the height of the crisis.
'In addition, these same actors have clearly demonstrated the means to carry out such an attack.
'There is sufficient justification to question whether outside forces triggered, capitalised upon or magnified the economic difficulties of 2008.'
The report concluded that: 'Without question, there were actors who had the motive to harm the U.S. economy.