Thursday, September 9, 2010

White House & Google Cabal Getting Creepy

Crony Capitalism: The Love Affair Between the Obama Administration and the World's Creepiest Company
By Ken Boehm

A major Internet company is under investigation by more than 30 state attorneys-general for alleged wiretapping violations.  In Europe and now Texas that same company faces anti-trust inquiries on whether it unfairly penalizes its competitors, and its operations face criminal wiretapping inquiries throughout Europe, as well as in Australia and South Korea.

Yet, inside the Beltway, it’s business as usual.  The Obama Administration plans to award the company a sweetheart, no-bid contract for satellite imagery and access to classified data.  After protests, the Administration backtracks, allowing other companies to bid, but still intends to award the contract to the company.  According to industry sources the total spending in that segment on intelligence outsourcing in 2009 was $161 billion.  This is no small contract.

Surprising? Then how about this: This same company’s executives were among the Obama campaign’s largest contributors. Its CEO stumped for candidate Obama, while he and other senior executives ponied up $150,000 to help pay for the inaugural celebration.
Read more . . .

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