Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Note to Independents: Barack & Hillary Are Ideological Clones

Barack and Hillary:  Ideologically Identical
By Ben Barrack

The security of our nation is in danger as a direct result of the policies, ideology, and affiliations of our president. Those who clamor for socialism despite its miserable track record invariably defend it by saying it simply wasn’t implemented correctly. Perhaps those relying exclusively on historical accounts warrant a pass in light of a dynamic taking place between Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton right now.

At least those who call for socialism while never having experienced it have a built-in excuse; they never experienced it.

Not so for the Obamatons turned Clintonistas. Both call Chicago home. Hillary was born there and Obama’s political career was launched there – in the home of Bill Ayers to be exact. Rodham became radicalized while at Wellesley College and was influenced heavily by the work of a Marxist / Maoist and leader of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Carl Oglesby. SDS was also the group from which Bill Ayers split to form the Weather Underground.

How about Obama’s ideological hero, Saul Alinsky? While Obama never met Alinsky, he was mentored by his proteges. Unlike Obama, Hillary not only met Alinsky but she interviewed him for her senior thesis at Wellesley. At one point, he offered her a job with his Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) – a job she ultimately declined, though ostensibly not for lack of reverence for uncle Saul or his work.
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