The Constitution and A Cornfield
Rob Cunningham
August 23, 2011
In 1789, the world witnessed the ratification of America’s Constitution, thus
ushering in the birth of a nation envisioned and framed by centuries of human
wisdom, political insights, thousands of failed governmental experiments, and
steeped in principles almost exclusively based on Judeo-Christian teachings.
In the 222 years since our Constitution was ratified, there is no doubt that
our country’s birth has proven to be the most successful experiment in human
No other nation has ever produced a greater amount of positive global change,
international generosity, economic prosperity, scientific advancements, or a
stronger defense of personal liberties and religious freedoms. None has come
It would be impossible to overstate the global human disaster certain to follow
in the aftermath of America’s demise. As we learned in basic science, nature
abhors a vacuum, and vacuums are immediately filled with a surrounding
substance. Given the heightened levels of virulent, anti-American, secular-
progressive and global-government thinking so pervasive in today’s “ruling
class” culture, this destructive world view would most likely be the “surrounding
substance” to fill the space previously occupied by America’s moral
leadership. As surely as night follows day, America’s collapse would usher in
global economic chaos and a worldwide cultural disaster.
America, as a nation, stands at death’s door. Only radical, bold, and morally
courageous leadership can prevent our country’s ultimate demise. We must
concur with the wisdom of French philosopher, Alexis De Toquevuille, when
he observed, “America is great because America is good.” Yes, America may
slip and lose its way from time to time, but never has our core national spirit
required a “fundamental transformation” of the type envisioned by the Obama
We must choose bold restoration or suffer a certain, immediate demise. Precious
little time remains to make this fateful decision. Often, when nations or individuals
stumble, they need most what they desire least. Thankfully for America, many
millions of independent voters, Tea Party patriots, common sense conservatives,
and sovereign citizens are fully aware of the measures needed to restore our fallen
country. We stand ready, eager, and willing to do the hard work necessary to elect
true leaders, and to make the many sacrifices required to save our beloved nation
for future generations.
Normally, it is only through the lens of time that one can appreciate events of
true historical importance. It is extremely rare to be alive during a significant
inflection point in human history, especially one that future generations may
reflect upon and study for possibly thousands of years into the future. We may
have an opportunity to witness - and to participate in - one of those pivotal
inflection points.
On Saturday, September 3rd, in Indianola, Iowa, I believe that a significant and
historically fateful event will occur in this small town near Des Moines. Governor
Sarah Palin will likely deliver a speech in which the 2012 election battle lines will
be clearly drawn for every friend and foe to hear.
No other presidential candidate has offered, or is likely to offer, such clear,
specific, and bold measures to the American people as I expect Sarah Palin
will offer on this day. Her speech will likely prove to be refreshing, inspiring,
invigorating and so historic in nature, it may be impossible to calculate its
significance until many years have passed.
The epic struggle for America’s very
survival will be engaged on this day, and our world will never be the same.
With every ounce of passion and personal conviction in my soul, I implore each
and every person that feels called to volunteer in defense of our beloved nation,
to make your reservations for Indianola, Iowa, today. You have been officially
notified of the rare, once in a lifetime, historical significance of this Labor Day
weekend event. Please do not write to me or complain to any Organize4Palin
group with, “Someone should have told me!” or “Why didn’t you really bang the
table harder to convince me to attend?”
If you can’t make the journey to Iowa, please note that CSPAN will be covering
this event from beginning to end, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm EST. Mark your
calendars, set your DVRs, host a viewing party and tell your friends, family,
neighbors and co-workers. If you happen to live in Iowa, there should be no
reason, no excuse, no football game, party or precious few priorities that trump
the significance of attending this historic event in your own backyard.
For complete details regarding this event, visit