Obsession: (1) a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequency especially in a way that is not normal. (2) someone or something that a person thinks about constantly or frequently. (3) an activity that someone is very interested in or spends a lot of time doing.
Richard Nixonwas
the 37th
President of the United States and whose legacy will forever be the
Watergate Scandal,
code name Operation
Deep Throat
that occurred in 1972. Five men were caught breaking into the
Democratic National Headquarters located at the Watergate business
complex. When investigation went into processing, Nixon and his
advisors chose to cover-up the incident. Few will remember that
President Nixon made profound statements like:
The people's right to change what does not work is one of the greatest principles of our system of government.
US Congress and political elements of the executive branch over the
decades have been guilty of continuing the same policies and
ideologies despite proof that they do not work or achieve results
expected or professed.
The gist of this problem is based on the
refusal to use the articles and amendments of the US Constitution as
the foundation for all laws and regulations in the United States;
primarily because those that operate our government have ignored and
downplayed the important principles of the check-and-balance system
as well as the limitations prescribed in the articles of the
Constitution so meticulously and wisely by the architects and
founders of our nation. Bureaucrats, effectively political
prostitutes, have continued to point the blame everywhere but where
the problematic sources have originated.
example: blaming economical problems on corporate greed, blaming high
prices of petroleum products on the oil companies, and blaming the
'Baby Boomer' generation for the depleting “Trust” fund of Social
Security, to name a few.
and dictators become powerful leaders because of a prime reason:
obsession. History reveals such a phenomenon with infamous characters
like Mao of China, Hitler of Nazi Germany, military command of the
Imperial Japanese who used the power and veneration of the Japanese
Emperor to fulfill their obsession of tyranny and domination. Nixon
was also obsessed, having failed more than once to become president.
Whether he gave the order to put in place Operation Deep Throat or
not, the guilt that was to lead to his impeachment was caused by his
obsession and not being honest to the People that voted him into
we have a president who has been fabricated by political handlers of
a political entity, his associations and his personal background were
covered up to ensure that the political cartel would be successful in
getting him elected as president. BH Obama also has obsessions that
feeds his egotistical personality, narcissism, and lives a life that
has been fabricated and filled with lies. Surely someone could blame
the continued corruption of the political entity called the
Democrat(ic) Party; but the gist of the problematic phenomenon lies
upon the People who elected him and those that elect candidates for
the wrong reasons, whether it is the president or a member of
Congress. It has been difficult to choose candidates as the decades
rolled by since FDR because the media has also become corrupted and
developed the power of controlling information instead of
disseminating it objectively with the principle of being the 'eyes
and ears' of the people. Instead, it has been the mouthpiece for
political propaganda and corrupt policies.
another infamous character of history, signed a pact with Hitler to
carve up Europe and a proposed communist and national socialist
treaty which Hitler never intended to keep. FDR and reluctantly
Churchill decided that the enemy of our enemy should be our friend,
and so the triple alliance was formed to destroy the strong and
resourceful Nazi regime in its mad determination to control Europe
and North Africa; leaving the Eastern world and Polynesia to the
control of the Imperial Japanese.
Germany was difficult to defeat because of its technological
advancement of German scientists and engineers as well as the German
pride in efficiency who had the best equipped military in the world.
Japanese were difficult to defeat because of their
political-religious tradition of emperor worship and the desire to
expand Japan that was limited to an island nation.
to most recent history, wars have been fought against a nation with
combatants who wore significant uniforms. Generally it was easy to
distinguish who the enemy was until the United States got involved
with the conflict between North and South Vietnam under the policy to
not allow communism to expand any further than it already had. Yet,
Stalin was allowed to divide defeated Germany and control the states
of Eastern Europe that became satellite states of the Soviet Union.
The enlarged network of spies and infiltrators allowed communism to
take hold in the Americas – including the United States, thanks to
the Democrat Party who refused to believe that infiltration of
communists had reached the political and social infrastructure of the
United States. It would have stained the constructed image of their
political demagogue, Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man who wrongfully
interned Americans of Japanese descent into camps. Society turned its
head because of their anger over the Pearl Harbor attack by the
Imperial Japanese naval air force.
biggest threat today is the corruption of our political system that
infiltrated communist and socialist ideology has developed with
insane political ideology like “political correctness”.
is the policy in the federal government not to alter solutions to
problematic policies and ideology, making only temporary repairs and
never seeing that they are only slightly postponing the inevitable
internal destruction. There is a political obsession in the United
States on two fronts: those that believe that socialism is better
than the constitutional republic that the Founders created and those
who believe that Islamic fascism will go away if we learn to
understand them and be tolerant of a theocratic system that is
intolerant and are obsessed with a global theocracy domination whose
doctrine belongs in the 7th
century and not the 21st
Albert Einstein
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Clarion Project
is a nonprofit organization founded in 2006 located in Washington, DC
and dedicated to:
...exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism while providing a platform for the voices of moderation and promoting grassroots activism.
Clarion Project is structured like the 'think tanks' – Heritage Foundation,
Cato Institute,
Claremont Institute,
Heartland Institute,
Hoover Institution,
Ludwig von Mises Institute,
Pew Research Center,
Hudson Institute,
and Tax Foundation
to name a few if the most notable.
Clarion Project
has produced some compelling and informative film documentaries, the
most notable being: Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West,
TheThird Jihad,
and Iranium.
I have posted “Obsession” at the end of this article, but suggest
you view the other two as well, available via YouTube.
The only problem I have had with the Clarion Project is that they
backed John
in the presidential election. Despite being a POW himself, he
thwarted the attempt to find MIA veterans allegedly still held in
Vietnam (just as FDR did when there was compelling evidence that
Stalin ordered that Americans in freed German POW camps were taken to
Russia and kept there), his involvement in scandals (Keating Five
most prominent) and his non-Republican political platform policies
that include voting against important funding for VA and depreciation of veteran
benefits guaranteed by Congress.
films have been dubbed by The Huffington Post,
a leftist Internet media entity, as “right-wing, terror
propaganda”. Attitudes such as that combined with the political
correctness mentality that has infiltrated our education system and
now our military infrastructure, defers from the truth – we have
been at war since September 11, 2001 and our leadership has not
officially declared it or have treated it as so. The war was declared
upon the United States (Great Britain, Israel, and the agenda of
world domination) even before 9/11; but our leadership as well as
other nations have ignored the warnings first made by the Reagan
fascism has infiltrated our nation and cultural infrastructure via
organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
and is allowed to continue despite proof of their support of
terrorist and Islamic fascist activities, here and abroad.
administration ushered in the infiltration of communism that Woodrow
Wilson did with socialism. It was an introduction to the United
States a movement to replace the constitutional republic with a
government where bureaucracy grows, constitutional limitations are
ignored, and government control increased to the point that it
created the problems that have escalated over the decades with
intrusive and restrictive regulations that do nothing but increase
the control of government over the people.
George W. Bush began an effort to combat Islamic fascism, dubbed the
“War Against Terrorism” - the program still did not address the
root of the problem or recognize that Islamic fascists had
infiltrated our political and social infrastructure, and is headed
towards what Europeans are experiencing in the name of tolerance and
political correctness as well as the fallout of accepting socialism
as a form of government. History shows that socialism and communism
do not work for the professed benefit of the people; the effect is
the opposite.
is the film “Obsession” and I recommend viewing the other two
films in order to get a realistic and factual background of a
movement that caused the Crusades in the medieval era and now rears
its head in the 20th
and 21st
century whose doctrine was established in the 7th
century …
We the People
want to save our nation, to see real reformation take place, we must
accept the fact that we are at war with a dangerous and fanatical
enemy who is threatening advancement has become a global concern and
will most likely lead to another world war.
We spend funding and military resources to defend the border between North and South Korea - but our own border remains porous while illegal invaders stream into the United States undermining our national security, economy, and increasing criminal elements and crime rates. It is time to perform a thorough and logical reformation, starting with reestablishing the constitutional republic with a limited government and reformed foreign policy that demonstrate strength in resolve and limiting our involvement in the affairs of other nations unless proved necessary.
The government cannot be reformed until society reforms itself, for it is society, voters, who are ultimately responsible for ensuring that constitutionalists are elected and not political corrupt prostitutes.
Knowledge is power and it is why corrupt governments want control of knowledge, which in turn controls the people. A transparent government is a government that can be trusted.