Sunday, December 30, 2012

Constitutional Republic Cannot Exist Without a Supportive Society

We the People created and live in a society of a growing majority who:
  • Insist that citizens do not have the right to bear arms and defend themselves against violent criminals and persons with lethal intent; yet blames firearm ownership of instigating the type of mentally unbalanced person or persons who commit crimes like in Aurora, Colorado and Newton, Connecticut – and other recent similar incidents. They believe that only law enforcement (and military) should own certain weapons they designate, when in fact that law enforcement officers usually show up after the dirty deed is committed, and criminals in our courts receive better treatment than victims and their families. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blackness Gestapo Attack on RGIII Typical

By Lloyd Marcus
Proud Unhyphenated American

RGIII (Robert Griffin III), superstar quarterback of the Washington Redskins is the latest black under attack by the Blackness Gestapo. The Blackness Gestapo are racists, black and white, who troll the airways keeping blacks in-check, faithful to their blackness. They believe to be authentically black, one must behave and think in certain ways. Blackness Gestapo mandated authorized black behavior includes having a chip on your shoulder against whites, maintaining an eternal victim and entitlement mindset, never achieving success without Democratic Party programs and never ever voting Republican. Blacks must call themselves African-Americans and display an urban edge via their speech, attire and attitude.

Blackness Gestapo enforcer, ESPN analyst Rob Parker accused RGIII of not being black enough.  Griffin comes from a great military family. His fiance is white. He is extremely articulate. He wants to be judged by his performance on the football field without regard of his skin color. Wow, what a radical concept in our new “everything-is-about-race” Obama America. Doesn't RGIII sound like he embraces the dream of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr that people be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?

But worst of all, rumor has it that Griffin might be a Republican.

The idiotic self imposed suppression of black liberation and growth by the Blackness Gestapo goes way back.

In the 70s, I remember watching an episode of the sitcom, “Good Times”. A black politician was criticized by the black community for coming across too white. To prove his blackness and win black voters, the politician had to show he could speak an urban language called The Dozens. Clearly, the absurd restrictive message of the episode was regardless of ones education, racial loyalty requires that blacks maintain remnants of the hood.

Remember, the 90s comedy TV show, “In Living Color”? A standard joke of the program was the black guy who did not sound or behave like he came from the ghetto. The message was blacks who speak English correctly and prefer sushi over fried chicken are traitors trying to be white.

I witnessed the same brain-dead behavior from blacks here in Florida when brilliant articulate black Republican Jennifer Carroll ran for Congress against the Democrat incumbent do-nothing-for-her -constituents Corrine Brown. Brown's district was mostly black and ghetto. Brown had been in office forever without much positive change in her district. Carroll was smart and loaded with fresh new ideas. Brown won reelection hands down. Word on the street was Carroll sounded too white. Give me a break! Racist idiots!

Blackness Gestapo Generals Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton had a “tude” against Obama for running for president without hood “creds” such as theirs. Obama had to prove his blackness by spending 20 years in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s racist church. The mainstream media partnered with the Democrats in hiding Rev. Wright's racist rants from the public to protect their first black serious socialistic/progressive contender for the Oval Office.

If I sound a bit frank in my language, it is because I am tired of Blackness Gestapo thugs threatening and stifling the growth of blacks. How dare they dictate the behavior of myself and other blacks.

American blacks are blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Just as whites are not monolithic, neither are blacks. We are individuals. Our God given birthright of freedom grants us opportunity to explore limitless tastes and behaviors without being chained by Authorized Blackness.

Forty years ago, I met a black fencing master – as in sword fighting. I was elated. I carted the brother to recreation centers across Baltimore. I wanted black kids to see black excellence beyond basketball, football, baseball and entertainment. I wanted them to see that blacks need not be limited in their abilities, hopes and dreams.

So Blackness Gestapo thug Rob Parker, get a life and mind your own business. RGIII is free to be whomever and whatever he wishes without you and your homey's approval. Wimp conservatives/Republicans say we must pander to your ilk to win the urban vote. That “ain't happenin'” as far as I am concerned. I will never sacrifice principles and values that I know are right and best for all people to the false god of votes. Racist thugs like you must and will be defeated.

Heck, this RGIII kid is so good, I just might become a Redskins fan. ...Nah. Go Ravens!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Restore America 101

By Lloyd Marcus
Proud Unhyphenated American

What patriots find most alarming about the reelection of Obama is the feeling that we have lost America.

Recently, a pro football player committed suicide after murdering his girlfriend. The media blames guns and football for the shooting.  They act as if the football player bore no responsibility, which is in keeping with Obama's new America.

This is why we who cherish morals, decency, hard work and personal responsibility are so upset that Obama has four more years to further his decline of America.

Admittedly, the decline of America began long before Barack Obama. However, under Obama, America's decline has been on steroids. He won reelection promising to punish the rich and encouraging Americans to indulge in an orgy of mediocrity featuring endless unemployment benefits, an unprecedented number of Americans on food stamps, half the country on welfare and free Obama phones.

Such is the new normal in Obama's new America.

So yes, we patriots are heartbroken.

After serving in the Merchant Marines, my black dad earned a humble living as a day laborer. In 1956, he broke the color barrier into the Baltimore City Fire Department. The white firefighters hated my dad and did not want him at Engine 6. And yet, despite horrific conditions, dad won Firefighter of The Year two times.

Dad did not win because of lowered standards, Affirmative Action or someone deciding it's the black guy's turn. Dad won because he was the BEST! Such was a time when America celebrated excellence.

Have we totally lost that America?

What offends me most about the Obama Administration is that he continues to lower the bar of what it means to be an American. Given his reelection, one can only assume that a large percentage of Americans are OK with Obama's ask-what-your-country-can-do-for-you-rather-than-what-you-can-do for-your-country new vision for America. Screw work! Just gimme, gimme, gimme!

Dad did not believe government owed him or his five kids the American Dream. With me at his side, dad marched with Dr Martin Luther King Jr. to assure that his kids would have an opportunity to pursue the American Dream. Today, far too many Americans believe the job of government is to confiscate wealth to divvy out the American Dream equally to every American.

When did we lose Dad's America?

When did we become a country in which government and media celebrates immorality, laziness and covetousness? Occupy Wall Street thugs are declared heroes of a majority of Americans for demanding that government confiscate the earnings of achievers for redistribution. When did it become morally correct in America for government to confiscate and give away the harvest reaped by hard working citizens?

Were we asleep when America launched its War on Achievers?

Athletes who perform at the highest levels are inducted into the Hall of Fame. And yet, extraordinary success in the arena of finances is frowned upon and deemed evil. Remarkably, Mitt Romney's extraordinary financial success was effectively marketed as a negative against him in the presidential campaign.

When did exceptionalism in business become demonic in America?

Well, here is a dirty little universal truth that the gimme crowd may not be aware of. The word is reciprocity. Reciprocity means we mutually give to/help each other. But when that relationship becomes one sided, the giver stops giving. How long will Obama get away with seducing new voters by taking from achievers to redistribute to non-achievers before the givers say, “Screw it” and stop working?

How do we restore America? The answer: We continue to Tea Party.

The Tea Party began when patriots looked behind the curtain of white guilt and media hype to see Obama's overreaching, trashing of the Constitution and his socialistic/progressive agenda. Over the last four years, the Tea Party has evolved into countless organizations and a growing army of sophisticated political activists.

Obama winning reelection was the loss of a major battle. However, beware Obama and company, we have no intentions of surrendering our country or losing this war.

Future battles will include taking back our culture and educating dumbed down clueless Americans to the superior virtues/benefits of Conservatism over Liberalism.

And another thing – we MUST STOP being passive when democrats throw absurd character-assassination-grenades such as Republicans/Conservatives want blacks in slavery and women barefoot and pregnant. We must boldly get in their face and rebuke their vile, hate-inspiring, divisive lies.

I have also had it with black Americans being allowed and even encouraged to be racist. Black racists believe Authentic Blackness or “Racial Pride” means maintaining at least a minimal resentment against whites and our country. Racism is evil wherever it flexes its venomous tongue – time to call such people out!

So, I am ready. I am prayed up and my powder is dry. Let's roll!