Wisconsin is sounding the alarm across this country. Our neighbors in the badger state need your help. They are the canary in the coalmine. As goes Wisconsin so goes the nation.
Recently, one Mama Grizzly came to the defense of another reform minded Mama Grizzly:
Governor Sarah Palin said, "(Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch)..."She's in the fight of her political life for doing nothing more than what she and Governor Walker were elected to do."
Weaponizing a loop hole in the Wisconsin state constitution, Big Labor Union Bosses are using the hard earned money of their union brothers and sisters to fund a seperate recall effort against Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. Even though since 1967 governors and lieutenant governors have been elected together as a team. There is no dual ticket for recalls.
Rebecca was elected in 2010 with Governor Scott Walker yet she is facing an expensive, burdensome, and Union Boss weaponized recall.
For fulfilling her campaign promises.
In the 2010 campaign, Scott and Rebecca promised the taxpayers of Wisconsin that as a team they would have their back. Taxpayers were saying, "government needs to live within its means the way we do in our small business's and our families".
Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch put in place reforms that have helped private sector businesses create thousands of jobs, turned a $3.6 billion budget deficit into a surplus, without raising taxes or cutting essential services.
These sudden and relentless reforms have led to 88% of Wisconsin job creators saying that Wisconsin is headed in the right direction, up from just 10% one year ago.
The people of Wisconsin are happy that the days of never-ending spending, borrowing and taxing are over.
Yet, this Union Boss weaponized recall is intended to make an example of Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Kleefisch through intimidation and thug tactics.
Yesterday, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch was interviewed on The Dr Gina Loudon Show:
(NOTE: Special thanks to American Grizzlies United Wisconsin State Coordinator Bill for helping set up this interview with Dr Gina and the Lt. Governor)
In the interview Rebecca specifically asked for your help.
You can make calls for Rebecca to help ensure that the millions of outside dollars flooding into Wisconsin will not destroy the reforms, record, and reputation of this public servant.
You have a choice. You can retreat or fight for these reforms.
To Learn more about Rebecca: http://www.rebeccaforreal.com/
To donate to Rebecca: Contribute
To volunteer to help Rebecca fight this weaponized recall you can send an email to our AGU-WI State Coordinator Bill: wisconsin@organize4palin.com
Our work continues...
Thomas S Schmitz
American Grizzlies United; Chairman
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