This Tuesday May 8, 2012 you have an opportunity to sucker punch both the GOPe and the media elites of the LSM.
Now is your chance to grab the bull by its horns.
For weeks now the LSM have gleefully concluded that independent Tea Party Americans have lost their steam, and will not carry any weight in this election cycle.
Once again, they have no idea what they are talking about.
Obama's favorite Republican (Senator Dick Lugar) was sitting pretty for re election until last week when out of the blue Governor Sarah Palin endorsed Richard Mourdock for the Indiana Senate Seat.
Within minutes the American Grizzlies United (AGU) Board of Directors decided to follow the Governors lead and throw our support behind Richard Mourdock as well.
The Sarah Palin endorsement came at 2:51pm EST on Friday April 27th. By 6:36pm EST word came that the American Action Network (which some have called the establishment cavalry) withdrew their support from the Indiana GOP Senate race.
They had previously promised Obama's favorite Republican $590,000 for his primary re election campaign.
So what happened in those four hours?
You happened.
You matter.
Deep down the GOPe fears you.
In a desperate and shameless attempt to sustain (and advance) crony capitalism the GOPe spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on focus groups, recycled consultants, and political experts.
But they are no match for you.
You have the power within you to take on the GOPe and win.
But, there is still a lot of hard work to do between now and tuesday to bring victory to Richard Mourdock (and sucker punch the GOPe and LSM).
Learn more about Richard Mourdock:
Donate to Richard: Contribute
Volunteer for Richard: Get Involved
Our American Grizzlies United Indiana State Coordinator Morgan Rigg needs your help in defeating the GOPe. Morgan needs your help to send a true conservative to the United States Senate, and remind the know-it-alls in the LSM that you have the power within you to elect a candidate who shares your vision for America.
To help Morgan send an email to:
You don't have to live in Indiana to let your voice be heard.
Does your cell phone plan have free minutes? You can make sure your voice is heard by making some phone calls the next four days on behalf on Richard Mourdock.
Or perhaps after you GET YOUR #GRRR ON you may find yourself Going Rogue and organizing a Twitter Storm using this link: and the hashtags: #RedIN, #INSen (and of course #GRRR).
We all have constructive roles in the restoration of America.
Our victories in 2010 slowed down the Obama liberals, but it has not stopped them. Together we can stop the Obama agenda and make government respect the will and the wisdom of the American people.
Our work continues...
Thomas S Schmitz
American Grizzlies United; Chairman
American Grizzlies United Website:
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Follow O4P on Twitter: @O4Palin
Follow S4P on Twitter: @_Students4Palin
Follow Thomas on Twitter: @ThomasSSchmitz
Follow AGU on Facebook: American Grizzlies United (AGU)
Subscribe to the AGU You-Tube Channel: AmericanGrizzliesU
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