Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Obama Will Pardon The Turkey, But Will He Pardon God?

Obama's Godless Thanksgiving
By Jeffery Lord
The American Spectator
November 23, 2010

Did Abraham Lincoln just defeat Barack Obama?

Sure, there was that economy thing and ObamaCare and, well… the usual long list that began spicing up Republican poll numbers and the final results on election day.

But the approach of the Thanksgiving holiday reminds that maybe, just maybe, the real answer to the thorough repudiation of the Obama White House can be found in, of all things, two very different presidential proclamations for Thanksgiving.

The first, which was literally the first, was signed by Abraham Lincoln on October 3, 1863.

The second, by now a standard presidential duty of Lincoln's successors, was issued by Barack Obama on November 23, 2009.

The difference? The very notable difference that has been in one form or another telegraphed to the American people by the Obama White House.

God and His connection to American values had suddenly gone missing from a Thanksgiving Proclamation by a President of the United States.
Read more . . .

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